Experiments/Oslo National Academy of the Art

  1. Form experimentation

Designer Peny Spanou

Photographer Theo Kanakopoulos

Model Peny Spanou

Year 2020

The entry point of this research/master project is the scenographic costume. By defining what is the scenographic costume for me and its categories, I recognize the framework in which I want to work regarding its form and its relationship with space. Costume, text, and site are the three parameters that I’ve been working on, and I’ve been creating different walking performances in the city of Oslo.

With the poetic speech as a starting point of inspiration, I created three quick scenarios / 3 different costumes with the materials I had available and within a short time of experimenting. They are standing as 3d sketches in the space, trying to translate written forms into moves and feelings.

  1. monotony

A process of making circles in different sizes, with foam board, get inspired by monotony and non-movement, as if you are staying in the same place all the time, and your body is so heavy that you cannot move to another place.

2. restriction

The elastic quality of the fabric could fit several bodies but this time it is only one, covered, restricted, limited but flexible to create a series of forms that change according to the movement of the body. Sometimes we recognize the human body, sometimes we can hardly see it as it is trying to escape from the spatial constraints that the costume puts.

3. waste

More masks than jellyfish. The quantities of masks and gloves found in the oceans were far from enormous. The symbols of this new age are abandoned as if there is a vague process for their travel after we have used them. But what happens after we cover our fears? Do we try to throw the gloves away as we want to throw the coronavirus out of our lives? A costume made of gloves that I used and disinfected and reused to give them a short second life, questioning what is the right way to follow.

Experiments/Oslo National Academy of the Art

2. Workshop with Linnea Bågander

Composition in structured and free movement






Movement, sound, light


Time Experiment