The Choreography of Spaces
My name is not Antigone
Concept, costumes & text Peny Spanou
Performing Anu Laiho
Voice Carina Furseth
Costume team Despina Willson, Ilektra Valourdou, Lisa Billander
Poster & photos Theo Kanakopoulos
Year 2021
Welcome to the walking performance “The Choreography of Spaces: My name is not Antigone”. This is the result of a series of spatial experiments during the collaboration between the performer Anu Laiho and the artist Peny Spanou.
The starting point is Antigone of Sophocles, a work that has created countless discussions and interpretations. Antigone carries the responsibility of the heroine, the strong, the powerful feminist, the rebel. She has become the symbol of many people who find a voice through this character.
But is this the real Antigone?
Or is she something other than what we expect her to be?
How many roles can she carry on her back?
You are going to meet three different versions of Antigone in this performance. Or maybe none of them.
We kindly ask you to put on your headphones and follow carefully the cues that are guiding you along the way. There will be silence in the headphones for a long time. When the music starts, it is time to move away from the first scene and start the journey leaving the dancer behind.
Clear the atmosphere out of expectations. Wish you a nice journey!

Anu Laiho performing part of the spatial choreography inside the studio.
This walking performance aims to free the performative space from the narrow confines of the theatrical building, and to focus on the complex system of the city, in order to explore the relationship of the occupants with it and challenge their perception. Costume wishes to be the only scenographic element in the city, the uncanny body.
The costume exploration focuses on three layers: the city elements as costumes, the abandoned garments of other people as costumes, and the costume made by other people's thoughts, all connected with different layers of society’s expectations.